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House of Eternity:
The Tomb of Nefertari

John K. McDonald

Los Angeles, 1996 (read online)


In the Tomb of Nefertari:

Conservation of the Wall Paintings

Robert Steven Bianchi and

John K. McDonald

Santa Monica, Calif., 1992. A catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, November 12, 1992-February 21, 1993


Wall Paintings of the Tomb of Nefertari:

Scientific Studies for their Conservation

Oxford University Press, 1987


Nefertari: Luce d'Egitto

Fondazione Memmo

The Getty Conservation Institute
Leonardo Arte s.r.l, Italiy 1994


Der Jenseitsweg der Nofretari

Edmund Dondelinger, VerlagsanstaltGraz 1973


Гробница Нефертари

Nasr Mohamed, Mario Tosi
Bonechi, Italy, 2004


Egiptologia 2.0

Revista online gratuita.

No16 -  Julio de 2019


Queen Nefertari's Egypt

Kimbell Art Museum

Catalogue, 2020


The most beautiful of them

Mahmoud Maher Taha

Cairo, 2001


Art and Eternity:
The Nefertari Wall Paintings Conservation Project, 1986-1992

Miguel Angel Corzo and

Mahasti Afshar

Los Angeles, 1993 (read online)


Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes

Gertrud Thausing,

Hans Goedicke

Verlagsanstalt, Graz, 1971



Christian Leblanc 

Paris, Editions du Rocher, 1999


Two Theban queens: Nefert-ari and Ty-ti, and their tomba

Colin Campbell
London, 1909


National geographic history magazine no. 31

SpainSeptember 2006


A journey through time
Nefertari princess of Egypt

Roberta Angeletti

British Museum Press, 1998


Женщина в античном мире

Сборник статей

Москва, Наука, 1995


Abu Simbel and the Nubian Temples

Nigel Fletcher-Jones

AUC Press, 2018


e la valle delle Regine 

Christian Leblanc, Alberto Siliotti,

Guinti Gruppo Editoriale, Firenze, 2002




Ramses' II

Heike C Schmidt,

Joachim Willeitner 

Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 1994


La tumba de Nefertari

Museo Arqueológico Nacional

Monografias Arqueológicas #4

Madrid, 1978


Нефертари и долина цариц

Издательство Государственного Эрмитажа, Санкт-Петербург, 2017


Pharaon Les cahiers de Pharaon Magazine no. 2

La tumba de Nefertari

François Tonic,

France 2018


Queens of Egypt

Beaux Arts & Cie Press

Montreal, 2008


The tomb of Nefertari [QV66]

Center Documentation and studies on Ancient Egypt

Cairo, 2020


Le petit temple d'Abou Simbel

vols. 1-2

Christiane Desroches Noblecourt

Le Caire, 1968

Additional sources


Queen Nefertari: A Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Mummified Remains Found in Her Tomb (QV66)


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Assassin’s Creed Origins (Original Game Soundtrack) | Music by Sarah Schachner | Label : Ubisoft

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