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Журнал изменений и обновлений проекта

2024/09/22 [9.0922] * render main scene, small updates
2024/09/19 [8.0601] * added turn off/on candles oil-lamps. virtual tour; v2.0919
2024/09/16 [8.0601] * SMs optimization. virtual tour; v2.0916
2024/09/01 [8.0601] * added dust to objects. virtual tour; v2.0901
2024/07/09 [8.0601] * paper 0-32 sent to Luda for reading/editing
2024/07/08 [8.0601] * done with magistrature
2024/06/02 [8.0601] * paper 0-31; add info Dodson Ikram
2024/05/26 [1-23] * paper 0-31; add info Barry Kemp
2024/05/24 [1-23] * paper 0-31; description of texts reconstruction 
2024/05/23 [1-23] * update 3d-model, added addition doors
2024/05/22 [1-23] * paper 0-31; updates on chamber [Q]
2024/05/19 [1-23] * correction translation burial chamber
2024/04/10 [1-23] * small updates to virtual tour; v2.0410
2024/04/08 [1-23] * paper 0-30; add info Chegodaev book
2024/04/05 [1-22] * paper 0-30; editing after 1st correction
2024/03/27 [1-22] * call with Museo Egizio
2024/03/02 [1-22] * the tomb is closed for conservation works
2024/03/01 [1-22] * update wall [C1]
2024/02/29 [1-22] * !post about destruction tomb!
2024/02/12 [1-22] * update small details wall [K7]
2024/02/02 [1-22] * color correction wall [B2]
2024/01/29 [1-22] * visiting small temple at Abu-Simbel
2024/01/26 [1-22] * visiting tomb 8th time (found blue fragment)
2024/01/12 [1-22] * 2nd quest with magical bricks, virtual tour; v2.0112
2024/01/02 [1-22] * Olga donation for paper 1zzK r
2023/12/09 [1-22] * youtube stream; presentation of the virtual tour; v1.1208
2023/11/20 [1-22] * added micro-relief via parallax effects; v1.1120
2023/11/15 [1-22] * sent a proposal to ME Greco, canceled for a year
2023/11/06 [1-22] * paper 0-27; sent paper for editing
2023/10/23 [1-22] * updated lighting system for exist; v1.1023
2023/10/19 [1-22] * added exploration mode with items; v1.1019
2023/10/18 [1-22] * added effects between exist and reco conditions; v1.1018
2023/10/16 [1-22] * added 1st quest mechanics v1.1016
2023/10/15 [1-22] * split to two modes quest and exploration; v1.1015
2023/10/14 [1-22] * added cursor over inspecting item; v1.1014
2023/10/11 [1-22] * added day-time slider; v1.1011
2023/10/07 [1-22] * cleaned mechanics, updated localization, added art-reco description; v1.1007
2023/10/04 [1-22] * update dust effects via Niagara; updated Main Menu v1.1004
2023/09/27 [1-22] * polishing fly-through mode; v1.0927
2023/09/25 [1-22] * added fly-through mode; v1.0925
2023/09/04 [1-22] * merged adds object to integrative tour; v1.0904
2023/08/27 [1-22] * added turn/off modern lights toggle; v1.0827
2023/08/25 [1-22] * paper 0-27 sent to Anna for 1st reading with updates
2022/08/24 [1-22] * added ancient doors between chambers 
2022/08/23 [1-22] * Labrosso dnt E989 
2023/08/16 [1-22] * updated textures IDs to 1, added many small objects
2023/08/14 [1-21] * paper 0-26 addition: 378 pages, 100172 words
2023/07/31 [1-21] * added sizes of all walls
2023/07/30 [1-21] * color correction flat-walls hi-res
2023/07/28 [1-21] * redraw and update wall [Kc10]
2023/07/28 [1-21] * rendered and post pros flat-walls (reco) hi-res
2023/07/22 [1-21] * rendered and post pros flat-walls (exist) hi-res
2023/07/19 [1-20] * updated and redraw texts on wall [G4] 2023/07/14 [1-20] * paper 0-26 done with all 3D-maps and schemes 
2023/07/07 [1-20] * paper 0-26 sent to Anna for 1st reading
2023/07/06 [1-20] * paper 0-26 done with writing the paper!
2023/06/26 [1-20] * added all translations to main paper
2023/06/23 [1-20] * completed translation of ALL texts of the tomb
2023/06/19 [1-20] * paper 0-25 statistics of every room and chambers
2023/06/19 [1-20] * translation chapter 146
2023/06/14 [1-20] * presentation; at American Space, Almaty [21th]
2023/06/11 [1-20] * presentation; at Serena Hotel, Dushanbe [20th]
2023/05/29 [1-20] * entrance collisions, updates maps interact; v1.0529
2023/05/24 [1-20] * presentation; at NL KR Osmonova [19th]
2023/05/11 [1-20] * translation updates; 94 chapter
2023/05/09 [1-20] * preparing presentation for Nat.Bishkek Library
2023/05/01 [1-20] * renewal entrance part2; rock two versions; gen.model 1-20
2023/04/29 [1-18] * renewal entrance part1 – door; gen.model 1-18
2023/04/26 [1-18] * update low level of the burial chamber; gen.model 1-18
2023/04/25 [1-17] * got additional photo archives from The MET
2023/04/18 [1-17] * 30 fps; gen.model 1-17
2023/03/29 [1-16] * presentation; at PL93 (motivation) 60 mins [18th]
2023/03/09 [1-16] * added last item redstatuette 5282 frag; v1.0309
2023/02/19 [1-16] * split items depending of the lighting system; added laptop; v1.0219
2023/02/11 [1-16] * added stopper-ropes, air-conditions equipment; v1.0211
2023/02/09 [1-16] * added stopper-ropes; gen.model 1-16
2023/02/07 [1-15] * paper 0-24 call to Daria, 1st check paper
2023/02/07 [1-15] * paper 0-24 complete book Assman
2023/01/27 [1-15] * paper 0-23 complete article Nile magazine Jan 2022
2023/01/25 [1-15] * paper 0-23 complete book Schmidt, Willeitner, "Nefertari"
2023/01/22 [1-15] * added canopic fragment v1.0122
2023/01/12 [1-15] * reconstructed last row of the texts
2023/01/10 [1-15] * paper 0-22 updated a lot of images from the expedition
2022/12/04 [1-15] * added broken pottery and shabtie’s boxies v0.1204
2022/12/03 [1-15] * relocation paths; gen.model 1-15
2022/09/27 [1-14] * published Interactive Tour v0.0927
2022/09/21 [1-14] * paper 0-21 complete book Karlova Seth
2022/09/20 [1-14] * paper 0-21 complete book Lavrenteva Duat
2022/09/16 [1-14] * paper 0-20 complete article Johnson
2022/09/10 [1-14] * added main modern equipment v0.0910
2022/08/27 [1-14] * polishing and updating UI v0.0827
2022/08/26 [1-14] * complete modeling burial objects v0.0826
2022/08/17 [1-14] * added DOF to item inspection, interact v0.0817
2022/08/16 [1-14] * started rendering panoramic 360, 2nd version
2022/08/13 [1-14] * added DOF and camera shake effects, interact v0.0813
2022/08/12 [1-14] * added sarcophagus, placing items, interact v0.0812
2022/07/10 [1-14] * update general maps; gen.model 1-14
2022/07/02 [1-13] * paper 0-20 complete article Schmidt
2022/06/30 [1-13] * added footsteps, interact v0.0630
2022/06/29 [1-13] * paper 0-19 complete book Wilkinson, the complete Gods and Goddesses
2022/06/26 [1-13] * paper 0-18 complete book Spencer, Death in Ancient Egypt
2022/06/14 [1-13] * paper 0-18 complete book Reading Egyptian Art
2022/06/10 [1-13] * presentation; at RGGU (restoration) 10 mins [17th]
2022/06/02 [1-13] * published Interactive Tour v0.0602
2022/05/31 [1-13] * EulenArt I.d4.7
2022/05/30 [1-13] * paper 0-17 complete my editing
2022/05/25 [1-13] * texts translation 2nd iteration has been started, ch17
2022/05/12 [1-13] * got high-resolution 3d-model photogrammetry from Simon
2022/05/10 [1-13] * optimized addition maps DispExistAdv in single map; gen.model 1-13
2022/05/08 [1-12] * added volume settings, updated web-browser, interact v0.0508
2022/05/07 [1-12] * added icons, polishing UI, interact v0.0507
2022/05/06 [1-12] * added web-browser, compiled walls texts, interact v0.0506
2022/04/29 [1-12] * added a lot of new mechanics, interact v0.0429
2022/04/27 [1-12] * paper v0-16; gen.model 1-12
2022/04/22 [1-11] * licensing with Spain’s E-arte
2022/04/21 [1-11] * table with all resource’s ID, interact v0.0421; gen.model 1-11
2022/03/18 [1-09] * the project is renewed
2022/03/18 [1-09] * paper v0-15
2022/02/24 [1-09] * the project is about to close because of WAR
2022/02/22 [1-09] * book: Nefertari The most beautiful of them, Mahmoud Maher Taha
2022/02/22 [1-09] * presentation to Vladimir interact v0.0222
2022/02/06 [1-09] * paper v0-14
2022/01/19 [1-08] * NatGeo III.d2.5
2022/01/12 [1-08] * texts translation, 1st iteration is complete
2022/01/10 [1-08] * started developing of interact model in UE5 v0.0110
2021/12/09 [1-08] * presentation to Anastasia P. 
2021/12/05 [1-08] * all walls batch render
2021/12/03 [1-07] * walls description, 1st iteration is complete, paper v0-13
2021/12/02 [1-07] * replaced drawings to renders
2021/11/27 [1-07] * structure reorganized, paper v0-12
2021/11/03 [1-07] * paper v0-11
2021/01/20 [1-07] * research on titles, article
2021/10/04 [1-06] * texts translation, 1st raw iteration
2021/09/05 [1-05] * paper v0-10
2021/08/09 [1-04] * added 3d-scanned photogrammetry model
2021/06/11 [1-03] * paper v0-09
2021/05/18 [1-03] * paper v0-08
2021/05/04 [1-02] * Australian school, VR internal project
2021/04/29 [1-01] * paper v0-07
2021/04/14 [1-00] * book: Desroches-Noblecourt, Cuentz, "Le petit temple d'Abou Simbel"
2021/04/03 [1-00] * CanMuseum cd5
2021/03/30 [1-00] * 6th anniversary clip’s done
2021/03/30 [1-00] * several updates, paper v0-06
2021/03/12 [0-98] * presentation; online; New-York school [16th]
2021/03/09 [0-98] * optimized and merged materials single one with IDs
2021/02/20 [0-97] * paper v0-05
2021/02/17 [0-97] * draw lines are added
2021/02/12 [0-96] * paper v0-04
2021/01/19 [0-96] * paper v0-03
2021/01/20 [0-95] * book: Queen Nefertari's Egypt, Kimbell Art Museum ,2020
2020/11/17 [0-94] * presentation; Autodesk University 2020 Digital [15th]
2020/11/03 [0-94] * book: The tomb of Nefertari [QV66], Cairo 2020
2020/09/04 [0-94] * Arcadia VR {paused}
2020/07/29 [0-94] * Arcadia VR {reopened}
2020/07/02 [0-94] * updated and simplified all maps
2020/07/27 [0-93] * VR v4.2.0.93 [max model v0-93] modern
2020/06/02 [0-92] * 5th ani all movies released
2020/05/27 [0-91] * 5th ani movie 3rd Final
2020/05/12 [0-90] * paper v0-02
2020/05/13 [0-90] * 5th ani movie 2nd Final
2020/05/03 [0-90] * VR v4.0.0.90 [max model v0-90] modern
2020/05/02 [0-89] * unwrapping, baking
2020/05/02 [0-88] * book: Женщина в античном мире
2020/04/21 [0-88] * 5th ani movie 1st Final
2020/04/16 [0-88] * presentation; tech. ad001 [14th]
2020/04/16 [0-88] * remapping 2/2 maps
2020/04/09 [0-88] * 5th ani movie 2nd script
2020/04/08 [0-88] * Arcadia VR {closed}
2020/04/07 [0-88] * 5th ani movie 1st script
2020/03/16 [0-88] * paper v0-01
2020/03/07 [0-87] * collaboration with Museo Egizio
2020/03/06 [0-87] * got access to Turin's archives
2020/03/03 [0-87] * paper v0-00
2020/02/28 [0-87] * remapping and export to VR arcadia
2020/02/15 [0-86] * presentation; lib 164 [13th]
2020/02/13 [0-86] * started writing the paper, future complete guide
2020/02/11 [0-86] * Archivio Museo Egizio
2020/02/10 [0-86] * 5-th ani cams updates, render started
2020/02/07 [0-86] * presentation; lib 163 [12th]
2020/01/28 [0-86] * AU20 London new clip [5th ani]
2020/01/23 [0-85] * remapping 1/2 maps
2020/01/20 [0-84] * new lighting, bumping, displacement
2020/01/19 [0-83] * begun draw existing mask maps
2020/01/15 [0-83] * meet with VR arcadia dev team
2020/01/12 [0-82] * new rooms and walls naming and numbering
2019/12/29 [0-82] * added new oil lamp bases
2019/12/14 [0-81] * several small updates in texts
2019/12/09 [0-80] * Mayak radio on air [1st-Radion]
2019/11/19 [0-79] * short presentation; Autodesk EE, AU2019, Las Vegas [10th A]
2019/11/05 [0-79] * presentation; 3D boom Motive, Moscow [10th]
2019/11/03 [0-79] * tomb 3dsmax model: added displacemen maps
2019/11/01 [0-78] * NatGeo ll.5 
2019/10/31 [0-78] * added Russian language to web
2019/10/25 [0-78] * presentation; Planetarium 1, Saint-Petersburg [9th]
2019/10/12 [0-78] * presentation; smart-lib, Moscow [8th]
2019/10/10 [0-78] * nelson-atkins licensing agreement
2019/09/26 [0-78] * tomb 3dsmax model and lighting updated 
2019/09/09 [0-77] * youtube 360 8K video uploaded
2019/08/22 [0-76] * tomb 3dsmax model: some updated
2019/08/21 [0-75] * tomb plans updated
2019/08/18 [0-74] * presentation; Science Fest, St.Petersburg [7th]
2019/06/02 [0-74] * booklet for members
2019/04/30 [0-73] * walls F3, K6 updated, sketchfab 3d updated
2019/04/22 [0-72] * visiting 3rd time real tomb
2019/04/21 [0-72] * visiting 2nd time: [photo shooting real tomb]
2019/03/27 [0-72] * presentation *The story of Project qv66, Tverskaya 15, Moscow [6th]
2019/03/06 [0-72] * book: Queens of Egypt - Montreal
2019/03/06 [0-72] * National Geographic Museum - Opening Exhibition
2019/02/20 [0-72] * model scale adjustment
2019/02/19 [0-71] * unreal 3D build 1.01
2019/01/15 [0-71] * presentation, cesras Moscow [5th]
2019/01/02 [0-70] * 4-th ani movie - done
2018/12/18 [0-68] * 4-th ani cams 2nd updates
2018/12/11 [0-67] * 4-th ani cams updates
2018/11/19 [0-66] * wall K6 updated
2018/11/17 [0-66] * tomb roadmap and numbering walls
2018/11/16 [0-66] * 4-th ani footage preparation
2018/11/16 [0-66] * small updates model
2018/11/07 [0-65] * book: National geographic history magazine no. 31
2018/10/30 [0-65] * web: added Translation category
2018/10/24 [0-64] * web: added History category
2018/10/22 [0-64] * wall F-IV-14 minor update
2018/10/19 [0-64] * NatGeo lllll k
2018/10/14 [0-64] * VR v3.5.0.64 [max model v0-64] reconstructed
2018/10/14 [0-64] * walls I3, I4, I5 recovered [possibly] (based on canon images)
2018/10/11 [0-64] * hf licensing agreement
2018/10/11 [0-64] * book: Nofretari: Eine Dokumentation der Wandgemälde ihres Grabes
2018/10/07 [0-64] * web: registered domain
2018/09/27 [0-63] * National Geographic Museum licensing agreement
2018/08/30 [0-60] * unreal engine alfa implementation
2018/08/18 [0-60] * modeling stuff, phase-C
2018/08/03 [0-60] * modeling stuff, phase-B
2018/07/31 [0-60] * DONE,  VR v3.3 .0.60 [v0-48], walls F1-3, B5, H-6, E1,5 recovered
2018/07/23 [0-54] * wall E4, E2 recovered
2018/07/19 [0-53] * walls E1-2, E1-5 updated
2018/07/17 [0-53] * wall F3 reconstructed * wall C1 reconstructed
2018/07/14 [0-52] * walls F6, F7 reconstructed * wall G3 reconstructed
2018/07/13 [0-49] * walls F4; F5 reconstructed
2018/07/06 [0-49] * VR v2.1 [v0-49] * walls E1-6, F2 reconstructed, * full compatible with HTC vive
2018/07/05 [0-48] * removed all placeholders, walls C10; C11 reconstructed
2018/06/02 [0-48] * 3-rd anniversary / posted VR 2-nd
2018/05/23 [0-48] * rendering VR 2-nd
2018/04/27 [0-47] * presentation *palmira, Moscow, Voloshinka [4th]
2018/04/16 [0-47] * 3-rd ani footage complete (not published)
2018/04/06 [0-47] * updated bench’s sides maps, rendering 3rd ani footage
2018/03/31 [0-46] * 3-rd ani footage planed
2018/03/25 [0-46] * box-rendering (all walls seps), recovered F1 lines 1-16
2018/03/23 [0-45] * presentation *manej, Moscow [3rd]
2018/03/22 [0-45] * several small updates
2018/03/15 [0-44] * all maps updated (plaster: multiply blend mode)
2018/03/15 [0-44] * book: Two Theban queens: Nefert-ari and Ty-ti, and their tomba
2018/03/10 [0-44] * recovered B3 lines 71-96
2018/03/10 [0-44] * book Two Theban queens: Nefert-ari and Ty-ti, and their tomba
2018/03/05 [0-43] * recovered B1 lines 1-19 * recovered B2 lines 50-70 * recovered B3 lines 97-104
2018/03/02 [0-43] * removed a lot of placeholders (remains on stairs) * recovered B1-3, B2 lines 47-49
2018/02/27 [0-43] * book: Art and Eternity: The Nefertari Wall Paintings Conservation Project
2018/01/29 [0-32] * beginning translation texts
2018/01/27 [0-32] * article on
2018/01/23 [0-32] * presentation *IT, Moscow, Voloshinka [2nd]
2018/01/10 [0-32] * Visiting REAL tomb 
2017/10/10 [0-30] * book Der Jenseitsweg der Nofretari
2017/07/07 [0-30] * 3d model on sketchfab
2017/07/22 [0-30] * first donation
2017/06/14 [0-30] * preservation, St.Petersburg [1st]
2017/06/14 [0-30] * 2-nd anniversary video
2017/06/04 [0-30] * article in paper MK
2017/05/04 [0-30] * 2-nd anniversary announcement
2017/03/24 [0-26] * lighting system, complete, recovering walls
2016/08/08 [0-20] * book: La tumba de Nefertari 
2016/06/02 [0-20] * 1-st anniversary video
2016/04/22 [0-15] * 1-st anniversary announcement
2016/04/16 [0-15] * hi-res placeholders annex G
2016/02/14 [0-15] * book: House of Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari
2015/12/11 [0-15] * book: Wall Paintings of the Tomb of Nefertari: Scientific Studies for their Conservation
2015/12/11 [0-15] * 360 video on youtube channel, testing dust and lighting, recovering walls
2015/12/04 [0-15] * modeling stuff, phase-A
2015/11/24 [0-06] * testing lighting system, recovering walls
2015/09/08 [0-04] * test hi-res 360 video on youtube channel, recovering walls, artificial lighting system
2015/08/21 [0-03] * testing lighting system, prototype, recovering walls, placing temporary placeholders
2015/06/28 [0-02] * test 360 video on youtube channel, recovering walls, adjusting UVW temporary mapping
2015/06/03 [0-01] * 1st test implementation

© 2015-2022 Андрей Плаксин

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